I’ve just finished reading “Babylon By Bus” by Ray Lemoine and Jeff Neumann. I’d do a book report on it for you all but it made me too angry. Let’s just say that it is downright shameful that a couple of Valium-popping Red Sox junkies can see through the neo-con smokescreen almost without trying, while most Christians willfully choose to remain blissfully ignorant.
I also just learned that Colombian FARC rebels have held three American citizens hostage for four years. Four years! Forgive me for being shocked – I thought we were in a war on terror? Apparently terrorists with oil take priority over terrorists with hostages.
Then again, the ongoing imprisonment of Border Patrol agents Ramos and Compean for defending themselves against a Mexican drug dealer could indicate that our leaders have a slightly different agenda on the table than what most Americans would like to believe. I’d go so far as to suggest that as an explanation … but I proposed a conspiracy theory last time. Don’t want to overdo it.
Congressional hearings are the new thing on Capitol Hill. The FBI lied. (Several times, I believe.) Cheyney used Valerie Plame to avenge his wounded pride on Joseph Wilson. The administration fired federal prosecutors for political reasons, and to top it all off they aren’t being “fiscally responsible.” Imagine!
Certainly none of this comes as a surprise to us, but the “new” rotation of good old boys is seeking explanations for these “unacceptable actions.” An observer who is not fluent in political sign language might be tempted to think that they were serious about reigning in the massive trend toward consolidation of power in the executive branch. But alas, a brief scan of the post-Reagan political landscape indicates that President Hillary would be inclined rather to continue the trend than to be outdone by her predecessor. Not to mention that the commencement of hostilities in the 2008 campaign provides the obvious explanation for the donkey’s recently acquired interest in “Congressional oversight.” Every skeleton dragged out of the neo-con closet decreases the need to rely on electronic voting when Hillary makes her final run in November ’08.
Even though Al Gore’s own personal “inconvenient truth” has been coming to light, he still manages to draw a crowd to listen to his hypocritical propaganda. I can’t think of another politician who has made a fool of himself so many times and still has the following that man has. It reflects poorly on our national IQ.
HR 1022 is the new and improved Assault Weapons ban. I’ll be posting specifics when I get them organized. It’s bad.
Stand by!