Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Am I the only one who thinks Iran is deliberately attempting to contrast its methods of dealing with foreign suspects with those of the U.S.? I haven't heard anyone mention that possibility so far. There seem to be three common reactions to the Iranian detention of 15 British sailors and marines. Many folks wonder why Iran would detain the Brits for such a minor incursion, considering that such incidents are rather commonplace. Many more automatically connect President Ahm with hostage beheadings and suggest a nuclear strike as the obvious solution. And some poor souls are so fed up with being lied to by our government that they assume Iran is telling the truth and will "do the right thing," whatever that is.

Politics aren't limited to the U.S. of A., folks. President Ahm and his henchmen aren't stupid. Probably the Iranians are lying. Obviously they don't really think the Brits were spying. And certainly they are in violation of the Geneva Conventions. But why does any of that matter? The Iraq war furnishes far too many instances of dishonesty to allow for much righteous indignation now. The U.S. is holding Iranian military personnel in "undisclosed locations" at this very moment, also in violation of the Geneva Conventions. But that's ok, because we think they might be terrorists.

Of course Iran wants to return the favor, but they can't make the case that coalition forces are infiltrating Iran as terrorists. So why not charge them with spying? Maybe they weren't, but God knows some Brit somewhere is. And they haven't got much international credibility to lose. Moreover, if fudging the GPS coordinates is what it takes to get their hands on a few pawns to play against the U.S., why not do it? What a golden opportunity to contrast smiling British sailors chatting over a basket of fruit with images of dog kennels in Guantanamo Bay. And now the trial! Imagine how it will feel when President Ahm says, "We gave your spies a fair trial in open court, and all you give our soldiers is as many secret hearings as it takes to get them declared 'enemy combatants.'"


According to a Newsweek survey released last week, one out of ten Americans is a fool: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17879317/site/newsweek/ & Psalm 53:1


There are two things that you should never watch being made: sausage and laws.
(Courtesy of a veteran midwifery lobbyist from Arkansas.)

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